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Small Group Leaders

Our goal for Small Groups at Gaylord FUMC is provide a safe, comfortable and 

stress-free enviroment for learning, growing and sharing together in

God’s Word and fellowship. 

The Bible is packed full of examples and reasons why having small groups within your church is necessary in growing our personal relationship with Christ and to the importance of the growth and cohesiveness of our church as a whole.



Since the start of the church, Christians have gathered in large groups and in 

small groups for discipleship, fellowship, worship, evangelism, and ministry.  

(Acts 2:46-47)


God created us to be in relationship with him and with others (Gen. 2-18)


We need Godly people in our lives because life is hard (Eccles. 4-9-12)


Jesus’ presence is stronger when two or three are gathered in his name

(Matt. 18-20)


Fellowship with other believers is part of God’s plan for discipleship (Acts 2:41-42)


"And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42)


"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 23:42)



We are currently seeking individuals, couples and/or teams that are interested in 

starting a new small group based on your personal or group interests.









The samples on this page are just a few ideas of groups you could start - the possibilites are endless! You don’t have to be a Bible expert - we aren’t looking for teachers -

We are looking for leaders that are willing to host a new small group in your home or in a location of your choice.


Feel free to fill out the form below if you are interested in starting a Small Group.

Please share your full name, contact information, what type of group

you would like to lead and day/frequency you would like to meet.

**Small Group leaders will be required to attend a Leadership Training at the church the first week of September.

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